Source: Brahma Ridge Event Center Vimeo Channel

Brahma Ridge Event Center posted a video "Isaura's Quinceanera at Harbour View" on VIMEO

Isaura's Quinceanera was absolutely spectacular! The decor and planning that her mother helped with was just incredible. This Quinceanera featured personalized decorations and party favors, the court's entrance, toasts from her parents, the shoe ceremony, father daughter dance and cake cutting. We were honored to capture this special event and Isuara, we wish you a lifetime of health and happiness!Cast: MPA VideographyTags: quincinera, quincineravideo, eventvideographer, eventvideography, quincineravideographer, quincineravideography, ashevilleeventvideo, ashevilleeventvideography, ashevilleeventvideographer, mpaweddings, mpa, wedding and isauraapostrophesquinceanera

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